
"Aware of the importance of controlling safety and accidents at work, for the future of our industrial heritage and our environment, we want to do everything to prevent an accident from destroying or handicapping human life. Thus, developing a strong safety culture would be a way to reduce the number of adverse events related to various activities in the company, resulting in bodily injury, material and environmental damage. In this way, we manage to constantly anticipate accidents at work and develop a permanent and sustainable preventive culture in our companies. As a result, the continuous and permanent improvement of the safety, health and protection of the employee is essential and becomes a common objective. Safety and health at work must be considered as a tool for productivity and an asset for the economy which is the objective of this training course. It is only in this way that we will be able, individually and collectively, to control the risks and eliminate the dangers to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers at the source, while basing ourselves on the general principles of prevention. "


"Head of Occupational Risk Prevention in Industry Industrial health, safety and environment coordinator Director of health, safety and environment in industry Industrial health, safety and environment engineer Industrial health, safety and environment prevention officer Hygiene, safety and environment animator in industry Head of environmental department in industry Head of the industrial occupational risk prevention department Head of department behavior based solution in industry Head of environmental department in industry Industrial health, safety and environment supervisor

Target level of study

BAC +5


120 crédits


2 years

Training structure

Ingénierie des transports

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Outils Mathématiques Utilisés en Sureté de fonctionnement BACHA Sidali
Méthodes Numériques et Matricielles d’Analyse du Risque ABOUD HAMAMA
Mesure et maitrise du risque AKNI Ahcene
Risques physiques industriels BELLAHRACHE Saliha
Programmation MATLAB BENSOUYAD Meriem
TP Dangers vibra/ pressions BACHA Sidali
TP Dangers Electriques/Mécaniques ALLALI Kheireddine
TP Levage et manutention LALA Houssam
Prévention et détection du risque incendie AOUAD Razika
Risques majeurs BELLAHRACHE Saliha
Anglais technique et terminologie LATRECH Sihem
Matière Enseignant(s)
Capteurs et Détecteurs BOUZERIA Hamza
Sécurité des procédés : risques mécaniques/électriques Aboud Hamama
Logiciels informatiques dédiés à la sécurité industrielle Boussalia Serial rayene
Systèmes d'information en HSI BENSOUYAD Meriem, GUIDOUM Nousseiba
Diagnostic des défaillances des systèmes industriels AKNI Ahcène
Management du Risque BELEULMI Salima
Sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes 1 BACHA Sidali
Analyse du cycle de vie et écoconception KAHOUL Hafida, BACHA Sidali
Retour d’expérience industrielle et veille informationnelle LALA Houssam
Ethique, déontologie et propriété industrielle KADRI Imene
Corrosion et protection des équipements DERMOUCHI


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71